Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Thrift store skirt redo done!

If you can get past the messiness of the teenage girl's bedroom, you'll notice that the skirt is slightly big on me.

All that I really needed to do was take in the sides, HOWEVER, it is lined and the waist has small cording that makes it necessary to cut and resew in place.  I am happy with how it turned out.  I was going to make it for my 15 year old, but I couldn't get her to put it on so I could pin it to her size.  So I have ME a new skirt.
My girls think it's hilarious to have me pose and have them take a picture.  I get NO respect! So I tried taking the picture myself the first time using a mirror, but the flash necessitated me being mocked in order to have them take the photo.

                                                   Me - at peace

                                                    Me - being mocked

I'll be sure to show this to hubby - he needs to see that I can finish a project.
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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thrift Store finds

You never know what will show up in thrift stores.  So often I go in and right back out.  Then occasionally there is something you just can't pass up.  Last week I saw these BRAND NEW, UNUSED sheets - top, bottom and two pillowcases for $6!  Also, I have wanted to make a pencil skirt and when I saw this Old Navy skirt - wrong size, but whatever..... I can size it down easily enough.  Those are my plans for this weekend, yep.
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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Well-Kept Secret

These delicious creatures are cinnamon buns - made by students of the Jones Center.  The Jones Center is in the Granite School District and is a place where special ed. students learn skills - in crafts, computer, banquet preparation and food prep.  They make the most wonderful treats in their bakery.  The sugar cookies are yummy, but I have fallen in love with these buns.  If you live in the area and want to try some of the delicacies of the bakery at the Jones Center, give them a call!

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy Birthday, Abe!!

“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

Killing Lincoln with free Gettysburg Address Replica

I just finished reading this facinating book.  What an amazing leader!
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Thursday, February 9, 2012

January projects

I don't know why - but every January we decide it's time to do a minor remodel project on some area in our house.  It does seem like the logical time to pull the house apart - right after Christmas and before the yard work in the spring.  However, hubby does taxes as a part-time gig.  So we get the house torn apart and then it sits for several weeks, until the rush of taxes is over.  Then the rush is on to get it done before spring.  We have done that for the past 4 years and probably will continue.  We just don't learn - and I will continue to complain about it.  Just saying.....

So this is where we are.....

It all began with purchasing a flat screen TV.  We couldn't just put it on a table or piece of furniture - we had to mount it to the wall.  And we couldn't just do that without adding shelving and cupboards next to it.  And we couldn't just do that without making over the brick fireplace and hearth. And we couldn't just do that without painting the room a different color.  I'm thinking new furniture, too.  Wow!  It's expensive to get a flat screened TV - and we got a heck of a good deal on it!
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